KA-1, Projects, Uncategorized

Glad to be Part of this Project

Adriana Galatar’s impression after the exchange in Ljubljana:

I am very glad that I was part of this project! For me, the Pilates coordinated by our good and strong coaches made me increase my mobility, to be more toned, more cheerful, strongI understood what the quality of rhythmically executed gymnastics means. In the project I had the opportunity to socialize more with three old friends, who are also coming to sports.
Thanks also for the visits I made to my colleagues from Bacoli/ Ljubljana I felt wonderful.
For the first time in my life I went kayaking and did climbing, I did a tourist orientation in the city and it was very good. In my youth I obtained the 7th place in the country for tourist orientation in the Mountains and I remembered those times.
I was really impressed by the modern swimming pool and the swimming competition, where I supported a colleague who won 3rd place.
Thanks also to the project managers who gave the opportunity to live. All these things thank everyone
In the near future I will go to the gym twice a week. I wish to meet in other projects with the 29 participants, now become friends.
See you soon! Adriana Galatar

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