PBA - Partnership Building Activity (Conference, seminar)

INCLUSIVE DECISIONS – Youth Participation



Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1st of March 2023
Project ref. no. 2022-3-RO01-KA154-YOU-000094903
project financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


We are thrilled to announce the launch of the IncluDe project, an Erasmus+ Youth Participation initiative, led by a consortium of six partners from three. This project, funded by the European Union and developed by Babilon Travel NGO in partnership with The Social and Medical Services Directorate Cluj (Romania), Ministry of Social Developments, labour, and Welfare of Curacao, Fundashon Pro Bista (Curacao), Municipality of Lushnje (Albania) and Projekte Vullnetare Nderkombetare (Albania), aims to reduce inequalities and social exclusion of visually impaired young people (VIP) through their participatory involvement in public institutions.

The project will include two main international mobilities and, in each month of the project implementation, local activities and events.

An international activity in Curacao, Empowering Participation, where 15 participants, 5 young VIP from each partner country, and 3 decision makers (1/country), will come together to share their experiences as social influencers and ambassadors for their VIP peers. This will foster collaboration between the youth and decision makers.

Second international activity, Touching the Core, will be a conference that will take place in Brussels, Belgium. The conference will gather a total of 15 young VIP participants (5/country) selected from the local community of VIP youngsters; and 3 decision makers (1/country), to create an open space for interaction with members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and European councilors. Participants will be able to present their ideas, engage in debates, and collaborate in workshops.

All activities, including the international activities and the monthly local activities and events, will be conducted using the methodology of non-formal education in an inclusive and adapted manner, taking into consideration the presence of visually impaired or blind participants.
The main target group of 5 participants from each country, who will become “social influencers,” will be involved in every stage of project implementation.

More information by e-mail office@babilontravel.net. or please contact us at 0722634027 (contact person: Gabriel Nagy).

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