IN TOUCH: The Seminar in Larissa

The first learning-teaching-training activity of the IN TOUCH project is the seminar that will take place in Larissa, during January 12-18, 2020 (including travel days) and it is dedicated to

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Skate – Ring for All

Asociatia Babilon Travel is part of the Erasmus+ Youth project Skate-Ring for All, co-funded by the European Union. The aim of project is to promote idea of integration into society

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IN TOUCH: The kick-off meeting

    Asociatia Babilon Travel was part of the first trans-national meeting, the kick-off meeting, of the Erasmus+ KA-2 project IN TOUCH, that was held in Oxford on October 15, 2019.

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Growing in Insight-ability of Mobility

“Growing in Insight-ability of Mobility” (GIM) is the first Capacity Building Youth project coordinated by Asociatia Babilon Travel. GIM involves 4 partners from Romania, Italy, Argentina and Peru. The specific

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