(LTTA) - learning, teaching, training activity

Get Assured, We manage the Risks!

Project logoGet Assured, We Manage the Risks!, is our 4th Erasmus+ KA2 project, financed by the European Union. Asociatia Babilon Travel acts as a partner, sending and hosting organization.

The consortium of partners is formed by 8 organizations from 7 countries (Ireland, France, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Romania and Turkey), and covers a wide variety of working fields such as sports, non-formal education, arts and therapy, volunteering and more.

The project addresses a common challenge, that youngsters with special needs are facing. Specifically, they hesitate to apply for international learning mobilities, or their parents and care persons prevent them from doing so, because their special needs may not be met adequately and risk management plans do not exist.

Furthermore, youth organizations hesitate to invite young people with impairments and chronic health conditions into their international learning mobilities, especially into mixed ability projects, because they consider this being an extra risk and feel that they are not prepared to meet such risks and deal with them adequately,

During the project lifetime, 36 month, starting on September 1, 2020, there will developed guidelines and tools/methods for risk assessment, risk management and crisis intervention, especially in such youth mobility projects that include people with impairments and chronic illnesses.

The result and long-term impact of the project will be a significant reduction of access barriers to international learning mobilities, especially under Erasmus+ and ESC programs, financed by the European Union, by supporting youth organizations to set up risk assessment and risk management plans and communicate them to their target groups, as means of improved safety

for their activities and projects. Thus, youngsters with special needs and youth organizations will be encouraged to develop and actively participate in international learning mobilities and contribute to the overall aim of an “International Mobility for All”, based on the principle “nothing about us without us”.

Project results will be presented and kept in the SALTO toolbox, on the Erasmus+ Project Results platform, as well as on the partners websites.

There will be no copyright restrictions and no limitations for further use given to the outputs.



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