Training Course

From Labor Market to Labor Makers

Image 2What: Training course for youth workers in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme, KA105 Youth Mobility.

Who: 24 youth workers who are over 18+ years old from Spain, Bulgaria,  Romania, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece and Italy.

Where: Seville, Spain.

When: 16-23 June.

Purpose: To implement a 7 days long activity programme within the themes of promoting youth employability by providing youth operators with knowledge and tools to train youngsters in their areas of operation in how to write and devise CVs and Cover Letters as well as more recent instruments employed in connecting demand and supply within the labor market, such as social media (i.e. Linkedin) and Video CV.

Project objectives are to:

  • Empower young people with tools and knowledge necessary;
  • Develop a sound job search in terms of communication strategy and content as well as compliance with potential employer’s needs (CV, Cover letter, employment of social media and new CV instruments, proper conduct of a job interview);
  • Raise awareness in participants on the need for a self-entrepreneurial, market centered approach to job-searching;
  • Inform participants on the most relevant trends for what concerns employers’ requirements and preferences related to CV styles and contents as well as job interview management.

Outcomes of the project are related to:

  • Fight youth unemployment, through empowerment of participating youth operators with the needed instruments to support young people in orienting themselves in the present job market. Project dissemination will help moving this strategy to a further step, by increasing sensibility and operational capacities of partner organizations and providing the base for potential further activities at the local level and/or future partnerships;
  • Address the partial failure of market mechanism and public education in providing the public good of vocational training, whose importance is invaluable in fulfilling compelling societal interests to a smooth functioning of the job market;
  • Experiment alternative ways to propose professional young profiles in the labor market.

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