PBA - Partnership Building Activity (Conference, seminar), Uncategorized

Accessible Travel Solutions for Visual Impaired Persons

The project partners within the project “Accessible Travel Solutions for Visually Impaired Persons” (ATSVIP) held their first kick off meeting on January 13th in Skopje, Macedonia.  The project is co-founded by the Erasmus plus Program of the European Commission, Key Action 2.

Project ATSVIP is implemented by a Consortium of 3 partners from 3 European countries (Romania, Spain and Macedonia).  Within this project, the ATSVIP consortium will develop accessible travel solutions for visually impaired persons.

The first meeting has been held in Skopje on January 13, 2020 and the project partners were welcomed by the host and leading partner Lifelong Learning Network (LLN) Macedonia. At the meeting, the partners reviewed the envisioned project activities, intellectual outcomes and expected results. The partners agreed to focus on travel solutions for visually impaired persons taking into account existing situation for visually impaired in bus transportation, railway and air transportation.

The project partners outlined the activities related to research under Intellectual Output 1, and initial structure and the design of the OER Platform under Intellectual Output 2. The partners also agreed on project logo and the web domain, in order to foster project visibility and to launch dissemination activities.

It was agreed the next meeting to be held in June 2020 in Malaga, Spain.

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