
Value the Difference – Press Release

Cluj-Napoca, 27.10.2015

Project Logo 1

Babilon Travel NGO has launched the first phase of the project
Value the Difference
project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Babilon Travel NGO has launched the first stage of the project Value the Difference, a multi-activity project designed to promote integration (both locally and internationally) of visually impaired young people through sport and outdoor activities tailored to their needs.

The `Value the Difference` project is composed of two main activities: a training course addressed to youth workers, educators and volunteers working with visual impaired youths, and a youth exchange for practicing the skills acquired during the course. The project is preceded by two other related local projects: Terra Mirabilis – Tourist Tracks for Visually Impaired Young People (2014) and Terra Cognita – The Historical Center of Cluj-Napoca Accessible for Blind Young People (2015), projects funded by the Municipality of Cluj-Napoca.

The first activity (the course / training) will mainly take place in Cluj-Napoca, supporting the programme Cluj-Napoca: European Youth Capital 2015, between the 3rd and the 11th of November, 2015; this activity will bring together 24 participants, over 21 years old, from five European countries: Belgium, Greece, Italy, Poland and Romania. The training will take place at the Special High School for Visually Impaired and will conclude with three days of out-door activities, at Băișoara and Valea Ierii.

During this training, the participants will explore a series of positive aspects regarding the involvement of the previously mentioned disabled youths in the outdoor physical activities, by applying methods of non-formal education. Some of the expected results regard a better integration of visually impaired youths in the local community; turning those youths into active citizens of the European Union; gaining a healthy lifestyle.

Two of the course participants are blind, and five other are visually impaired.

The second activity (the youth exchange) will take place in Poland, in the Tatra Mountains, in the vicinity of Zakopane, between the 16th and the 23rd of January, 2016; the 40 participants are between 18 and 30 years of age, coming from the same 5 European countries previously mentioned. 12 of the participants will be blind or visually impaired.

Ten of the participants in the Cluj training will also part-take in the Poland youth exchange, thus being able to apply the experience and skills obtained during the course.

Partners: Youth of Europe Poland, VIEWS International Belgium, Social Care Network Greece, Mine Vaganti NGO Italy, Special High School for Visually Impaired Cluj-Napoca, Municipality of Cluj-Napoca.

More information on our website babilontravel.ro or please contact us at 0722634027, e-mail office@babilontravel.net.

The press conference will take place on November 5th, 12:00 am,
at Bastionul Croitorilor

Related articles:

Value the Difference – Inclusion, sport and much more

Value the Difference – Starting the second part

Value the Difference on local, national and international media

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Value The Difference Reflectat în Media Locală, Națională și Internațională | Asociația Babilon Travel

24 March 2016

[…] Babilon Travel NGO – Press Release […]

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