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Newsletter Inclusive Evolution | January – March 2024



Newsletter Inclusive Evolution 2024
January – March



Welcome to our very first newsletter for Inclusive Evolution 2024! We’re excited to share the latest updates with you.

As we begin our journey with Inclusive Evolution 2024, let’s take a moment to look back at how far we’ve come. We’ve made some amazing progress during this early phase. Inspired by the great work done in Inclusive Evolution 2023, we’re ready to take our commitment to inclusive progress to the next level.

Wrapping Up 2023 Report:

We’ve been hard at work finalizing the report for Inclusive Evolution 2023. This report captures all our achievements, challenges, and lessons learned from last year’s efforts, setting the stage for an even better 2024.

Securing the Grant Agreement:

We’ve been busy putting together and submitting the grant agreement for Inclusive Evolution 2024. This is a crucial step in making sure we have the resources we need to make our goals a reality.

We’re thrilled to announce that the contract for Inclusive Evolution 2024 has been signed! This means we’re officially on track to make a positive impact in our community.

Spreading the Word:

We’ve been actively promoting our project within the KA2 project “Olydeli” Kick-off meeting, where we’re proud partners. It’s been fantastic to share our vision and gather support from our partners.

Getting Ready for Our First Activity:

We’ve reached out to our partners to kickstart the planning for our first big activity. This activity is all about getting young people engaged in democracy and civic participation. We’re working together to make it an exciting and meaningful experience for everyone involved.

Our first big event is coming up at the end of May. It’s going to be a one-day workshop held in three different European Union countries. We’re aiming to empower and educate 30 young people, aged 18-30, from each country. This dynamic workshop will be a hybrid event, combining in-person and online elements to reach as many participants as possible.

As we move forward, let’s keep the momentum going and continue to work together towards our shared goals. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting news!

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