(LTTA) - learning, teaching, training activity, Job Shadowing, Training Course, Youth Exchange

Growing in Insight-ability of Mobility

“Growing in Insight-ability of Mobility” (GIM) is the first Capacity Building Youth project coordinated by Asociatia Babilon Travel.

GIM involves 4 partners from Romania, Italy, Argentina and Peru.

The specific aim of GIM is to build competences of youth workers in order to empower inclusion, active participation and entrepreneurial skills of fewer opportunities youth, as well as youth who have minor disabilities, from South America and Europe, excluded on behalf of their impairment, social status, financial status or education.

Our objectives are:

  • Fostering empowerment – active participation and sense of entrepreneurship of fewer opportunities youth;
  • Promoting social inclusion of this target group aged 18 to 25 years old in their countries through developing comprehensive NFE educational methods and techniques by deploying a complementary set of knowledge, experience and specialised competences embedded in the different partner organisations and regional approaches.

In the same time we are bridging involvement of successful entrepreneurs and youth/social workers and the target youth for inspiring entrepreneurial dialogue and action taking amongst NGOs and their beneficiaries. The coordinating organisation and the Peruvian partner are involving youth who have minor visual impairment.

Our planned results after the implementation of this project are the following:


  • Handbooks;
  • Report on Entrepreneurship Best Practices;
  • Web-platform;
  • Video Tutorials;


  • Kick-off Meeting in Cluj-Napoca;
  • Seminar in Lima;
  • Format Training Course in Sardinia;
  • Youth Exchange in Buenos Aires;
  • Mid-term evaluation in Sardinia
  • Job shadowing in Lima and Cluj-Napoca;
  • Final evaluation in Cluj-Napoca.

Methodologies applied to the overall project:

  • Non-Formal Education;
  • Coaching and motivation techniques;
  • Entrepreneurial skills;
  • Theatre methods and movement;
  • Sport activities/body movement for developing motorial skills;



  • Brigada de Voluntarios Bolivarianos de Peru
  • Circulo Raices Sardas (Argentina)
  • Mine Vaganti NGO (Italy)

Coordinator: Asociatia Babilon Travel (Romania)

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