ATSVIP: The Training

Travel by people with disabilities, also known as “disabled travel” or “accessible travel,” is on the rise. The travel industry is waking up to the special needs of travelers with disabilities by providing more services and greater accommodation.
ATSVIP’s main project objective is trough development of barrier-free tourism OER and cross-traffic navigation solutions, to make traveling accessible and safety for blind and visually impaired people, the ASTVIP project aim is to improve the mobility and quality of life of these people all around Europe.
Project partners:
1. Asociatia Babilon Travel, Romania
2. Lifelong Learning Network, Macedonia
3. Internet Solutions for All, Spain
The realization of the project is a collaborative effort for :
- Creation of a methodological framework for accessible and safety traveling for visual impaired persons – IO1, responsible partner ABT;
Creation of an OER for accessible, safety and secure traveling of visual impaired persons – IO2, responsible partner ITSFA;
Public awareness campaigns for accessibility, safety and security during traveling for visual impaired persons – IO3, responsible partner LLN;
The ATSVIP Consortium of partners are finalizing the implementation of the project activities. The Learning, Teaching, Training Activity: Introduction to OER for accessible, safe and secure traveling of visual impaired persons will be held on 27-30 July in Ohrid, North Macedonia. It will last four working days.
The short term activities will allow the project partners to verify the produced material to directly involve beneficiaries to use their knowledge and gather feedback on the project results and indirectly to involve other stakeholders.
The training activity and the follow up activities are one of the best way to disseminate the project activities and results.
Check our latest development within the project: