Youth Exchange

Slovenian guys, you’re an inspiration

Ina Naghi’s reaction after the exchange in Ljubljana:

Dear you, Slovenian guys,  I love you. I just do, it’s a fact…but I better should find arguments to define this… I love you for all the things you taught me. Even if the project was about “Swim to Live”, you showed me undoubtfully that there are values behind and beyond swimming to live. And they fit values that are deep in my heart and my soul.

You showed us that staying active is not only a matter of exercise, but a matter of physical and psychical wellbeing. I was glad to recognize in your allday life what true values, like family, kids, ecology, integration of impaired, love for nature and dogs (oh, I really love dogs), caring of each other, mean…

I need to confess, I knew very little about Slovenia ( may you forgive me)…. and therefore I definitely did not expect to find there such an extend of respect for nature, family, awareness of anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner, multiculturality, inclusion, modern and well-equipped schools like I have never seen before, but as well old historical buildings that host schools….

I don’t want to insist, but seeing 10-15 years olds getting along in English and being happy together,   seeing wonderful young  families overtaking high responsibilities along their parents, striving for high values of education, integration, multiculturality, building up the world as a  place you want to be… I’m amazed…

There is place for everyone in your scheme and you seem to have a scheme for everyone… I wish I had something like your organization in my country, but since it doesn’t exist… I will revert to you, because… you’re an inspiration!

Thank you!

Ina Naghi

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