Youth Exchange

The Art of Self-Expression

The Art of Self-Expression is an Erasmus+ project where Asociatia Babilon Travel is acting as partner and sending organization. It is the second project that will start its main activity, a youth exchange, after the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic.

The youth exchange will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, between October 25 and November 2, 2020.

Creating self-expression and joy in one’s life is important to health and mental well-being. We as humans learn to release negative thoughts and emotions by putting these emotions into productive and creative venues. However, many people with disabilities can have trouble communicating. Art and creativity help those individuals to express themselves when communication is challenging. Partners developed this project with the main aim to encourage self-expression of young people with disabilities through practicing martial arts.

This project will stimulate focus and physical activity of participants, while generating a social connection and sense of belonging. They will also gain a huge sense of achievement.

The Art of Self-Expression, has established as objectives to:

  • Encourage self-expression of the participants (expressing own thoughts and, feelings) through practicing martial arts;
  • Increase focus and self-control of the participants;
  • Increase mental strength of the participants which will allow them to tackle problems better;
  • Foster better understanding of important character traits like integrity and courtesy;
  • Help participants with their social skills and their ability to connect with other people;
  • Increase intercultural competences of participants, the common values of tolerance and respect as well as the sense of common European identity;
  • Increase knowledge of participants of Erasmus+ programme.

The main activity will be organized in the form of a youth exchange (October 25 – November 2, 2020, travel days included) happening in Zagreb, Croatia.

The youth exchange will integrate 39 young people with special needs or fewer opportunities (13 youngsters/country), age 14-30, 6 youth leaders (2 leaders/country), age 18+ and 6 accompanying persons (2 accompanying persons/country), also age 18+, from Croatia, Poland and Romania.

The participant youngsters could be with:

  • Special needs:
    • Visual impaired;
    • Hearing impaired;
    • Physical disabilities;
    • Light mental disorders;
  • Fewer opportunities:
    • Economic obstacles;
    • Social obstacles;
    • Geographical obstacles.

All participants, including youngsters, youth leaders and accompanying persons should:

  • Be citizens or legal residents of Croatia, Poland or Romania;
  • Attend at least a preparation meeting organized by the sending organization before the training course;
  • Be ready to attend all the activities of the youth exchange and respect the timetable of activities;
  • Disseminate project results after the end of the youth exchange.

For the youth exchange each country team is expected to prepare:

  • A presentation of culture from their country and present it during the intercultural night. Presentations should not be longer than 30 minutes. Participants also need to bring some traditional food and drinks for the tastings.
  • 2 presentations:
    • One about the benefits of martial arts (any type) on health and social life;
    • Another is a presentation of some important martial art fighters of your country.

Each presentation should not be longer than 20 minutes.

All project activities are based on non-formal education methods and tools, which encourage active participation of each participant in the sessions. The whole learning methodology will be adapted to the needs of all the participants and will be inclusive with regard of the disabled ones.

Each participant youngster will receive at the end of the youth exchange a Youthpass.

According to the rules within the Erasmus+ Programme, financed by the European Union, participants will by their own tickets. The coordinating organization from Croatia will reimburse the travel costs on basis of the cheapest and most effective transport arrangements. The receipts of complete and original tickets, invoices, bills, boarding cards etc. have to be presented to the organizers.

Participants are expected to arrive to Zagreb, Croatia on October 25 and depart on November 2, 2020. The coordinating organization from Croatia (Para Taekwondo Klub Krijesnice) will reimburse travel costs, by bank transfer to the bank account of the sending organization, within 45 days after receiving all the original travel documents, after dissemination and after the youth leaders filled out the Mobility Tool questionnaire.

All costs regarding accommodation, food and transport are covered by the organizers.

During the dissemination process, participants are expected to:

  • Join the official Facebook group of the project and post articles/photos/videos regarding the activities of the youth exchange;
  • Give LIKE to the official Facebook page of the project;
  • Right after the end of the youth exchange,  post articles/photos and videos on their own Facebook page, Instagram, etc.

In case you would like to apply to be part of the youth exchange, please fill out the application form here.

You can download the info pack of the youth exchange from here.

For more details, please contact us at:

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